Friday, April 8, 2011

Did You Think I Forgot About You!!?

I know - it's been F-O-R-E-V-E-R since I've posted a recipe! But I have a good excuse - we just got back from a week with the fam at Disneyland! I'm not the kind of girl to advertise that my house will be empty for everyone on the internet to see so I'm sorry for leaving you all in the dark! But we're home & I should be back in the kitchen soon!

1 comment:

  1. oh what a fun week you you and your family. It was nice seeing you at babseball's opeing day.Thanks for your nice complement on my banners. They took a lot of time and work but was well worth it to see the smiles on our kids and their teammates faces as they walk with pride with their banner in tow. Thanks for showing me how to make them last year. Its made for a more enjoyable project this year.
