Saturday, December 10, 2011

Elf on the Shelf

I realize I haven't posted a recipe in far too long, but I wanted to start a post to add photos to! We've had out Elf on the Shelf (Horton) for a couple of years now & the kids have a lot of fun with it. Sometimes he just shows up sitting on a Christmas tree branch, sometimes sitting on a shlef, but sometimes he also likes to make mischief as he comes & goes each morning/night.

Here is is on the morning of the 9th - the Lego men were starting to get a little unsure of the giant visitor that kept invading their space so they decided to tie him up for an interrogation!

Stay tuned..... there will be more to come!

Updated - 12/12:
Here he is helping himself to a snack of a jumbo marshmallow & chocolate chips!

Makes sense - Buddy (from the movie Elf) has educated us all to the 4 food groups of an elf; candy, candy canes, candy corn & syrup!

12/13/11 - After all that sugar, the responsible thing was to brush your teeth!


  1. Oh, this just made me chuckle out loud. Thanks for linking it up to my Elf on the Shelf party. I just shared it on my FB page.

    Laura @ Come Together Kids

  2. Saw your elf through link party - love the "who are you and why are you here" - cracked me up!

    Stephanie @

  3. This is soooo cute. Found you from the Elf on the Shelf Linky party on Come Together Kids.

  4. why do i have 1 blue elf and 2 red elfs? i only bought 2 red, but the blue one appered! reply to me to tell me why.
